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Author Topic: The Wings--inspired by True events  (Read 10607 times)

January 21, 2024, 02:28:15 pm
Read 10607 times

karthick sri

The Wings--inspired by True events
« on: January 21, 2024, 02:28:15 pm »
The wings...

In the early 1900s, the race to conquer the skies unfolded with Samuel Pierpont Langley leading a  prestigious project to build the first airplane.

Langley was a Harward mathematician professor, with the support of government, backing of famous people along with the sharpest minds like Alexander graham Bell, he begin his ambitions project of making  humans fly.

On October 7th, 1903, Langley attempted his first flight with a massive 54-foot-long flying machine featuring two 48-foot wings. Launched from a sma River called catapult as soon it starter the aircraft plunged into the water, resembling a sack of cement...
On December 8th he tried again. This time the rear wing caved in before it got off..

Just nine days later on December 17,1903, few hundred miles away from Langley, a small group of men witnessed a man take flight for the first time in history.

Just Two brothers Wilbur and orville wright made a Flying machine from a small bicycle workshop which made it possible.

Unlike Samuel Langley the Wright brothers did not have the support of government, and it's funding nor a collage degree made it possible in a small bicycle workshop........

They were just determined with Passion hardwork and learning from their mistakes. And made it possible

« Last Edit: January 23, 2024, 01:04:37 pm by karthick sri »